Stories, news, and insights from AncoraTN.
Understanding the Role of Force in Human Trafficking
One of the ways human trafficking can happen is through the use of force, or physical control and abuse, to manipulate and exploit. This method often involves violence, threats of harm, or physical restraint to keep victims in a state of fear and submission.
Understanding the Role of Fraud in Human Trafficking
One of the ways that human trafficking occurs is through the use of fraud — deceptive promises and false representations — to manipulate and exploit. This method often involves tricking victims with lies about job opportunities, living conditions, or future benefits.
Understanding the Role of Coercion in Human Trafficking
One of the way human trafficking happens is by using coercion — threats and psychological manipulation — to exploit. This method often involves instilling fear, guilt, or a sense of obligation in the victim to maintain control and compliance.
Hope and Peace
In the safety of our Emergency Suite on the Survivor Restoration Campus, I’ve heard countless survivors just like Frieda say, “It’s quiet here... I can finally think.”
Don’t Let the Past Define You
Viola is a survivor of human trafficking. This series of poems are her words; her story. By reading, you honor her. By hearing her truth, you see there is more to her story.
Survivors’ Reflections on the Name AncoraTN
“When you are anchored in healing and growth, there’s no coming back.”
— Jemma*
Survivor of human trafficking