Annual Giving Societies
Creators of Change • $10,000 or more
You transform a life
Your annual contribution changes the trajectory of one survivor’s life. Your gift sponsors the entire healing journey for a year, providing the compassionate care to aid in recovery from the life-altering trauma of trafficking.
Freedom Society • $7,500-$9,999
You open the door to freedom
Your gift opens the doors to AncoraTN’s residential program by funding its operations for one full month. Through your annual contribution, the survivors living in our safe house can finally experience freedom from exploitation and trafficker retaliation.
Justice Society • $5,000-$7,499
You eradicate exploitation
Your gift aids one survivor’s journey through the criminal justice system. Your annual contribution advocates for their individual needs, aids in prosecuting their trafficker, and helps them navigate their trafficking-related criminal charges.
Healing Society • $2,500-$4,999
You pave the way to healing and restoration
Your annual gift provides healing resources for 6 months of aftercare for one survivor. Therapy, addiction treatment, physical healing and support groups are all funded through your generosity as she confronts and heals from horrifying victimization.
Cornerstone Society • $1,000-$2,499
You are the foundation
Your gift meets a survivor’s basic needs for one full year, providing the foundation she needs to heal and recover. Through your cornerstone gift, a survivor receives groceries, hygiene products, transportation, clothing and more.